Several years ago, we decided that we were going to raise our own meat and that it was going to be grass-fed. What happened to make us decide that we were going to do this? My boss was having a BBQ and paid well for 25 grass-fed poultry. I thought that the man had gone off his rocker. I had just bought chickens for 39 cent a pound!

We went to the party. My boss did not know how to BBQ meat and did not have them thawed. So they were not that good. But he did give me a whole chicken since he had way too many.

The next week, I had folks coming over and thought that I would fix all this chicken. What a surprise! The store bought chicken was full of chicken grease and had no taste. When we pulled out the pasture raised chicken, there was very little fat and it was full of flavor. So what did I want to serve my family? Something that was full of who knows what and did not taste good just because it was cheap? I find that I can get 2-3 meals with meat that tastes good and I know where it comes from.

So from that we made the decision to raise our own beef and lamb. We do raise some pork and get our chicken from a gal who is raising them the way I want them.

So think about where your meat is coming from and how it is being raised.

Categories: Farm News