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We are now making our own Greg Judy Bale Unroller designed to work with a 4-wheeler and do exactly what I’ve found works best in the field. Price picked up at the farm: $3300. Contact us for availability. When I designed my first bale unroller back in 1999 there were several concerns that I had. It had to be light, yet strong enough to unroll an 1800 pound round bale on pasture without leaving destructive ruts. I wanted minimal tongue weight so that it would be balanced which would allow one person to easily hook it up. It had to be very strong to take the abuse of unrolling an 1800-pound bale over rough terrain without breaking down. Finally, since I did not have a tractor, the bale unroller had to be flexible enough to be used with an ATV or pickup. I still have and use that original bale unroller. But I’ve learned a few things in using it, and now I’ve updated my original design to make the bale unroller much easier to use and much stouter. This new version is made from new rectangular steel. The tongue is longer which makes it easier to back up to the bale. The pivot point on the axle is machined to a much tighter tolerance than my first design. The lifting mechanism is a geared boat winch that has been moved back toward the bale to keep it from interfering with the ATV on tight turns. The chains that hold the spike in the bale are heavy duty log chains.
Watch the video below to see the Greg Judy Bale Unroller in action! Watch the video below as Greg Judy explains why it is much more profitable to unroll bales versus feeding them in metal bale rings.