Grazing Management Uncategorized
BRAND NEW FILM!!!! Check out our new documentary filmed at Green Pastures Farm by MarketPlace
Good film documenting Green Pastures Farm philosophy
Good film documenting Green Pastures Farm philosophy
Greg Judy is sharing all the successes and mistakes that they have made over the years at Green Pastures Farm. Greg posts 5 videos a week, over 220 videos at this time. Each video details all the intricate pieces that make up a successful grazing operation. Don’t forget to hit the SUBSCRIBE button!
With twice daily moves your cow herd can trample carbon onto the ground surface along with the plant roots storing it deep in the soil where it belongs.
We have 70 days left until our first normal killing frost. If you want to reduce your winter hay feeding, watch this video.
Make it simple by keeping one herd as many days of the year as possible. Putting grass finishers in with the cow mob eliminates tons of labor. You will grow more grass!
Cows are always happy to move. Just remember when you go down hills with them, get out of the way or you may get run over!
Let the animals do the work of building soil on your farm with each grazing day.
With the spring flush you need to be focused on capturing as much energy from the grass as possible. This puts weight back on your cattle after exiting winter.
With the spring flush of grass focus on getting as much energy into your animals as possible. Move them onto larger paddocks at least twice per day for maximum animal performance. Your in the solar energy business, now go move your livestock!!
We are going to reverse the trend of get big or get out. We need more small farms not less. Our national food system is broken and along with it our nations soils. We can regenerate our soils and livelihoods with ruminant animals leading the way.